by Mariana | Jan 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
This is is one of the cornestones of user research: users don’t know what they want and can’t predict what they’re going to do. When you ask them to predict what they would do, you are at risk of getting garbage data. This challenge comes up...
by Mariana | Jan 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
Colorblindness runs in my family. Even one of my female cousins has it. I’m sensitized to it especially because I seem to have a touch of it. I sometimes can’t tell green from blue. Or I swear something is blue when everyone seems to think it’s green...
by Mariana | Feb 8, 2017 | Design Pattern
A new remote collaboration tool called Sococo uses the metaphor of the “office” even though all team members aren’t physically together. This is like a more literal “Webex” or “Gotomeeting.” The intro video shows the scrum...
by Mariana | Dec 28, 2016 | Empathy in Design
London truck drivers were required to be on bicycles for a day in order to build empathy for bicyclists they share the road with everyday. “I was sceptical about the training. However when I did it I was surprised. Cycling with a truck beside you is genuinely scary. I...